Although the phenomenon is fairly common and has been photographed since the 1940s, when Mount Vesuvius erupted in Italy, it is not found in all types of volcanic eruptions, says Dr Adele Crozier, of Geosciences Australia.
"It's mostly associated with explosive volcanism, so the grey eruptions, like Shinmoedake in Japan, or the one in Iceland in 2010. The ones that actually generate this highly fragmented magma, volcanic ash, in the atmosphere."
While many news organisations report these events as simultaneous volcanic eruptions and electrical storms, Crozier says that's actually not the case.
"A lot of people think it's two extreme events, but the lightning strikes occur inside the eruption column itself and they're actually caused by the charged ash particles that are being ejected into the column by the volcano."
There are, however, a few unknowns in the process.
"Volcanologists are not completely sure exactly what the mechanism is for generating lightning inside a volcanic eruption," Crozier says.
Lightning is usually caused by the flow of electricity between two masses that have opposing positive and negative charges. Volcanic lightning, however, is unusual because, as the photographs show, the bolts start and end within the eruption column and do not connect to a solid mass, she says.
"The first thing is, you have to consider exactly what's inside an eruption column. It's usually a collection of hot glassy ash particles, steam and gas. Together they are erupted into the atmosphere and there are a lot of different sizes of ash particles," Crozier says.
She says that before there can be lightning, the particles need to become ionised.
"When … all that ash is ejected into the atmosphere [in a volcanic eruption] the particles begin as neutral, but by colliding with one another they can actually transfer charges between each other and turn into positive or negative masses."
The ionisation process, however, isn't enough on its own. To create lightning, she says the particles must also separate and create a gap between them.
"By providing that separation between the positive and negative particles, you provide a conduit for electricity to flow. That's when you get lightning," she explains.
How these particles actually separate is unclear.
"A lot of volcanologists believe that it has to do with how quickly different sized particles settle," Crozier says.
"Some people have theorised that larger particles might have positive charges and smaller particles might have more negative charges and as larger particles fall out of the atmosphere faster, that might create the separation needed to generate lightning. It's still a mystery as to exactly what that mechanism is."
Dr Adele Crozier, of Geosciences Australia was interviewed by Carl Holm.
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