Thursday 2 May 2013

Do Motion Is Illusion ?????? (Zeno's first paradox)

Zeno's First Paradox (Do Motion Is Illusion????)
This is one of the famous paradox involving infinity as well as infinitesimal. Zeno was a geek philosopher and created a set of Philosophical Problems
I love this paradox as it helps to understand concept of "infinity" and "infinitesimal" clearly.
Zeno's first paradox purports to show that the motion is impossible because if u want to walk from one point to another then you must first cross half the distance between the points and then half of the remaining distance and so on .........
If the two points are one km apart you will first reach 1/2 km from start, then 3/4km and then 7/8km and so on. After you have taken some steps of the journey you will cross a distance equal to {1-(1/2 )^N}  . Where N is power of 1/2.  No matter how big N is , you will never reach your destination, & there will always be some "infinitesimal" distance left
Therefore 'Zeno' started that motion is never possible but since we can see motion then it should be nothing more than illusion.
But today we all are aware of the fact that motion is reality. In Zeno's equation "{1-(1/2)^N}" if N becomes "infinity" then "1/2 ^ N" will be equal to "0' ! Hence.. We reached our destination! (As by fitting 1/2 ^ N=0 in Zeno's equation we get "1" . hence we covered 1km which was the distance between our destination and our initial position !
I hope you liked this Paradox !


Thursday 25 April 2013

ECO - FRIENDLY Galaxy !!!

Guys ... nearly every citizen is asked to be eco-friendly by their teachers. "hey abhijit, don't waste paper, be eco-friendly" my mom told this to me today (ah.. yup she repeats the same every-day !! )
Today ... a new galaxy has been found .. some are refering it to be the first eco - friendly galaxy while some as "green galaxy"  .. guys no need to get confuse by the name it is not actually green in colour .
We are taking it as eco - friendly as it operates with nearly 100 %  efficiency rate. ( It is infact impossible to have 100% efficiency rate .. it should be better to use 99% ) It was spotted by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope on 23 april. 
The name of this galaxy is tooooooo weird (by the way .. weird names of galaxies are getting nowadays !) . The actual name is " SDSSJ1506+54".

the special things about this "green galaxy" are listed below --- 

  • Most galaxies use just a small fraction of their available fuel to make stars, but SDSSJ1506+54 is quickly consuming all its gas for star formation
  • New stars form when gas condenses under the weight of gravity, squeezing atoms to the point that nuclear fusion ignites. But when stars form, their powerful radiation blows gas outward, counteracting the condensing action of gravity, making it harder for the gas around them to form new stars. This effect limits the maximum possible rate of star formation, even in galaxy SDSSJ1506+54.

Despite its oddness, SDSSJ1506+54 is probably not a weird type of galaxy, but rather a normal galaxy caught in a short-lived phase of evolution, the scientists say. Within a few tens of millions of years, the galaxy will likely have used up most of its gas and will become a typical elliptical galaxy.
what scientist says about the galaxy :---

  •  "We are seeing a rare phase of evolution that is the most extreme — and most efficient — yet observed," astronomer Jim Geach of McGill University, who led the study, said in a statement.
  • "While this galaxy is forming stars at a rate hundreds of times faster than our Milky Way galaxy, the sharp vision of Hubble revealed that the majority of the galaxy's starlight is being emitted by a region with a diameter just a few percent that of the Milky Way," said Geach.

buddies .. that's all that i know about it . Generally ,

the things made by nature is eco-friendly but its human who interferes with nature and turns it to Eco-destructive.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

How Volcanic Eruption Causes Lightning !!!!

Although the phenomenon is fairly common and has been photographed since the 1940s, when Mount Vesuvius erupted in Italy, it is not found in all types of volcanic eruptions, says Dr Adele Crozier, of Geosciences Australia.
"It's mostly associated with explosive volcanism, so the grey eruptions, like Shinmoedake in Japan, or the one in Iceland in 2010. The ones that actually generate this highly fragmented magma, volcanic ash, in the atmosphere."
While many news organisations report these events as simultaneous volcanic eruptions and electrical storms, Crozier says that's actually not the case.
"A lot of people think it's two extreme events, but the lightning strikes occur inside the eruption column itself and they're actually caused by the charged ash particles that are being ejected into the column by the volcano."
There are, however, a few unknowns in the process.
"Volcanologists are not completely sure exactly what the mechanism is for generating lightning inside a volcanic eruption," Crozier says.
Lightning is usually caused by the flow of electricity between two masses that have opposing positive and negative charges. Volcanic lightning, however, is unusual because, as the photographs show, the bolts start and end within the eruption column and do not connect to a solid mass, she says.
"The first thing is, you have to consider exactly what's inside an eruption column. It's usually a collection of hot glassy ash particles, steam and gas. Together they are erupted into the atmosphere and there are a lot of different sizes of ash particles," Crozier says.
She says that before there can be lightning, the particles need to become ionised.
"When … all that ash is ejected into the atmosphere [in a volcanic eruption] the particles begin as neutral, but by colliding with one another they can actually transfer charges between each other and turn into positive or negative masses."
The ionisation process, however, isn't enough on its own. To create lightning, she says the particles must also separate and create a gap between them.
"By providing that separation between the positive and negative particles, you provide a conduit for electricity to flow. That's when you get lightning," she explains.
How these particles actually separate is unclear.
"A lot of volcanologists believe that it has to do with how quickly different sized particles settle," Crozier says.
"Some people have theorised that larger particles might have positive charges and smaller particles might have more negative charges and as larger particles fall out of the atmosphere faster, that might create the separation needed to generate lightning. It's still a mystery as to exactly what that mechanism is."
Dr Adele Crozier, of Geosciences Australia was interviewed by Carl Holm.

Tuesday 12 March 2013


One of the simplest paradox. Obler’s paradox begins by asking WHY NIGHT SKY IS BLACK ???
Kepler was soo disturbed by this paradox that he simply postulated that the universe was finite, enclosed within a shell, hence only a finite amount of starlight could ever reach over eyes !

BENTLEY”S theory (or paradox)

According to Richard Bentley (in 1692) . If the universe was finite , then the night sky, instead of being eternal and static, should be a scene of incredible carnage , as stars plowed into each other and coalesced into a fiery superstar.
But Bentley, also pointed out that if the universe was infinite, then the force on any object, tugging it to the left or right, would also be infinite and therefore the stars should be ripped to shreds in “fiery” cataclysm.
This paradox  was a disaster for the young theory being proposed by NEWtON
And in some way this paradox, Some how checkmated Newton !


The WMAP satellite today has measured the echo of the big bang itself to give us the most authoritative age of the universe. The WMAP data reveals that the universe was born in a fiery explosion that took place 13.7 billion years ago.
(over the years, one of the most embarrassing facts plaguing cosmology has been that the age of the universe was often computed to be younger than the age of planets and stars, due to faulty data. Previous estimates for the age of the universe were as low as !-2 billion years, which contradicted the age of earth [4.5 billion years] and the oldest stars [12 billion years] !!!!!!!!
{SOURCE – pg 11 of book “parallel universe” by DR. Michio kaku}

Monday 11 March 2013

Nebulae- their formation and types !

Definition and history of a Nebula

The word "nebula" comes from ancient roman and European times when Latin was the principal language in the western world, and was used to define most sceintific terms. In Latin, the word nebula means "a cloud, or a mist, or a vapor". Nebulae is just the plural of nebula. Nebulae were theorized before the invention of the telescope. In ancient times, the Romans looked up at the skies, and defined all the faint, less glowing stars nebulae. The reason the Romans picked the name "nebula" was mainly for a nebula's property of being a cloud, or mist of gas. After the invention of the telescope in the 17th century, many astronomers defined many of the so-called "nebulous" objects as living, bright stars. But there were still many other nebulae that the astronomers could not define. Even today, many astronomers still can not identified many of the "nebulous" stellar bodies that they have found. These bodies are still called nebulae today.

Properties of Nebulae

Nebulae do not have any concrete properties, but their description is quite simple. Nebulae are stellar bodies that have not completely transformed into a star as well as they are also remnants of a stars. Nebulae are quite gaseous, clouds or mists of gas. They do form in many different ways, and there are many types of nebulae.

Types of Nebulae

There are five types of nebulae:
  1. Reflection Nebulae
  2. Emission Nebulae
  3. Dark Nebulae
  4. Planetary Nebulae

Reflection Nebulae

Reflection Nebulae have a very unique property. The dust and gas of this type of nebula does not emit its own light. Instead, it reflects light from nearby stars and/or galaxies. They are usually located near a really bright star in the sky.

Emission Nebulae

This type of star actually emits its own light, because of the radiation from stars within the nebulae. But the radiation emitted from the stars have a unique property. The radiation from the stars in the nebula is so strong that it can "excite" atoms that are within the nebulae, and the excited atoms will move from one energy level to the next. The result of this is the atoms emitting radiation as well.

Dark Nebulae

This type of Nebulae is different from a reflection nebulae and emission nebulae by which it absorbs some light from stars behind it. The light absorbed ends up heating the dust particles up, which results in the particles re-radiating, or emitting, some of the absorbed energy as infrared light.

Planetary Nebulae

Of all the nebulae described in this page, planetary nebulae are probably the most widely known nebula. They are formed when old stars of a size, similar to our Sun's size, have consumed most of their hydrogen fuel after billions of years. The star does not explode, but instead it ejects the gases at much lower speeds and at different times. As the star continues to cool and compress, the inner core of the star becomes very hot and explodes. The very high temperature radiation from the explosion causes the ejected gases to become radioactive. The end result is a star that glows.

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